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Use cases that benefit from edge computing for private networks

Use cases that benefit from edge computing for private networks

This is the second episode of the new video series on edge computing and orchestration, launched by Nearby Computing together with STL Partners and Intel. Under the tittle “Series on Edge”, these videos focus on telco edge cloud and mobile private networks as two of the most ready-to-use solutions relying on this technology.

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Nearby & CNX Extending Coverage in Rural Sites

Nearby & CNX Extending Coverage in Rural Sites

Nearby Computing, together with Cellnex extended the coverage in rural areas which improves both the social and econonomic development of these locations by providing a connectivity that opens up more opportunities.

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Nearby & Pictory Tale AR VR for Worker Assist

Nearby & Pictory Tale AR VR for Worker Assist

The AR remote assistance solution which is offered by Nearby enables remote assistance through augmented reality by facilitating video communication between two users and allowing augmentations on top of reality in the camera feed of the users.

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