5G/6G + Private Networks
High-tech and affordable 5G network roll-out to every corner

Affordable5G aims at creating an affordable 5G network that will deliver a complete, disaggregated and affordable solution covering the needs of private and enterprise networks through technical innovation that span across all parts of the 5G network including Radio Access, Edge, 5G Core and Orchestration. NBC is responsible for the network orchestration and the service execution in one of the Affordable5G experimental platforms.
Coordinated by: ATOS Spain
Duration: 09/2020 – 11/2022
Number of partners: 17
Project contract/code: 952189
IEEE Communications Magazine (IF: 9.619), to appear.
B. Ojaghi, F. Adelantado, A. Antonopoulos, C. Verikoukis
MDPI Sensors (IF: 3.576), vol.21, no.16, August 2021
P. Trakadas, L. Sarakis, A. Giannopoulos, S. Spantideas, N. Capsalis, P. Gkonis, P. Karkazis, G. Rigazzi, A. Antonopoulos, M. Amor Cambeiro, S. Gonzalez-Diaz and L. Conceição
IEEE Meditcom, 7-10 Sept. 2021, Athens, Greece
L. Sarakis, P. Trakadas, J. Martrat, S. Prior, O. Trullols, E. Coronado, M. Centenaro, G. Kontopoulos, E. Atxutegi, P. Gkonis, S. Gonzalez, A. Antonopoulos, M. Shuaib, P. Merino
IEEE ICC, 14-23 June 2021, Montreal, Canada
A. Antonopoulos, P.-V. Mekikis, E. Kartsakli
Unified Architecture For Open RAN-Enabled Distributed, Scalable and Sustainability-enhanced 6G Networks
UNITY-6G aims to create a highly sustainable and scalable integrated AI-native architecture
Advancing 5G for real-time Digital Twin Applications in Industrial and Logistics Environments towards 6G
6G, O-RAN, MEC National ADV5GTWN will pioneer the design and development of real-time digital twins for ports in Spain by leveraging advanced 6G applications, hence increasing the Spanish competitiveness and sovereignty in future 6G logistic “killer apps”. The...
An Open and Intelligent Framework for 6G Smart Networks and Services
6G-OASIS project combines innovative AI, Open RAN and MEC tools to realize future 6G communications networks.
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Edge Computing is leading the next technology revolution.
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