Advancing 5G for real-time Digital Twin Applications in Industrial and Logistics Environments towards 6G

ADV5GTWN will pioneer the design and development of real-time digital twins for ports in Spain by leveraging advanced 6G applications, hence increasing the Spanish competitiveness and sovereignty in future 6G logistic “killer apps”. The combination of digital twins and interactive applications from different sources will be supported across Advancing-5G-Twins for ports, helping the industry reach greater resilience levels. For this purpose, the project will create a flagship 6G application laboratory for real-time digital twins for port environments. The data gathered by sensors and cameras will be used to define requirements and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for 5G-Advanced and 6G in such complex scenarios.
Type of contract/Program: UNICO-5G I+D
Coordinated by: UPV
Duration: 1/2022 – 12/2023
Number of partners: TBD
Project contract/code:TSI-063000-2021-112/113/114
Unified Architecture For Open RAN-Enabled Distributed, Scalable and Sustainability-enhanced 6G Networks
UNITY-6G aims to create a highly sustainable and scalable integrated AI-native architecture
An Open and Intelligent Framework for 6G Smart Networks and Services
6G-OASIS project combines innovative AI, Open RAN and MEC tools to realize future 6G communications networks.
rEaLIzing healthcare 4.0 eXploIting the 6G netwoRk evolution
ELIXIRION will create the first fully-integrated, inter- and multi-disciplinary, highly-innovative training and research network that will set the foundations of the emerging Healthcare 4.0 paradigm.
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